
Biden won't be replaced

1. He would refuse

2. It wouldn't work anyway

3. The liberals want Trump

They know they need conservatives to believe in America, so that they will fight for America. Otherwise China and Russia will start to project power and the power of the Liberal Jewish Alliance will start to shrink.


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Newsom or Biden are not going to get any conservative riled up and enthusiastic about the ruling class' coming planned attack on china like trump is going to. It seems very obvious that the ruling class need trump in the white house before they can launch their planned attack on china. They need him to be at the helm to lead americans into the attack because conservatives (who are the backbone of the billionaire's global execution force, known as the american military) are not going to be very enthused to go across the ocean to murder for the ruling class if Biden or Newsom tells them to do so, but if it's trump, their own righteous billioanire messiah, leading the charge and telling them to go kill those evil commies/globalists/leftists (for "freedom and morality", of course) then his well-intentioned but heavily-propagamdized and deceived MAGA/Qanon followers will be extremely enthusiastic to do the billionaire's bidding, with a gusto of extremely powerful religious-nationalistic passion in their support for the troops and the president. It will be the just like the psychosis of religious nationslist war frenzy after 9/11 all over again. The ruling class absolutely must have trump (and not biden or newsom) leading americans into their planned attack.

There is also going to be a lot of bible waving, while Anti-Christ trump and his God-ignorant deep state GOP war profiteers will frequently use the words "jesus" and "holy war" and "the last battle of good vs evil", which will send their well-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservative base into a gushing orgasm, a nationalist-religious feeding frenzy and extreme enthusiasm for the ruling class' war plans.

That's why they need trump (and not biden) in office to lead the planned attack. Trump and his deep state zionist war-profiteering billionaires will enter the white house in january, and then of course they'll need to set the stage with a few months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall propagaganda in the billionaire's disinformation media about the "evil aggression of china" (which doesn't have a single military base outside its territory, while the american empire has about 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, in addition to dozens of warships colonizimg every ocean on the face of the globe, as well as at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps, where american merceneries hold kidnapped human beings in captivity for years without trial or accusation and torture them, because.. "freedom and moral values").

After a few months of hammering into americans' head nonstop 24/7 how china is an evil sggressor and the new hitler, then you'll have the conveniently-timed decleration of independence by american-paid separatists in taiwan, which china will obviously reject, and the stage will be set for the "righteous" attack (for "freedom and moral christian values" of course), possibly in the spring/summer of 2025. And just like after 9/11, the majority of heavily-propagandized americans will be fully in support of it (including 99% of well-intentioned but thoroughly deceived conservatives who will be in the mode of holy-war end-times jesus-is-coming-back, and fully united behind their mass-murdering psychologically-undeveloped narcissist infantile pro-billionaire pro-Wall St anti-Christ God-ignorant zionist messiah leading the charge against 'the evil commies'.

So we have about a year, give or take, before they pull the trigger, before they put all the pieces of the puzzle together (1. trump in office and leading the charge, 2. months of very intense 24/7 wall-to-wall nationalist propaganda to turn china into a literal hitler, an unbearable scary evil monster who wants to hurt americans in any way it can, so we just must take down this hitler-like monster first before they take "us" down 3. taiwan declaration of independence. 4. American military bases in the countries surrounding china completed and ready to launch misslies and war planes) and pull the trigger.

PS. If the billionaire ruling class cannot generate strong public support for their planned attack, despite their months of 24/7 wall-to-wall intense propaganda campaign to turn china into a hitler and evil aggressor in the eyes of americans, then there is also the possibility that they'll pull another 9/11 sort of false flag event, to get everyone into a state of traumatic shock, fear, anger and hatred, and fully on board with their attack plans..

See https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more

And https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536

As for why the billionaire ruling class are going to attack china soon - after trump and his deep-state zionist billionaire war-profiteers enter the white house in January - see this profound essay (which includes full citations) which IMHO is a must read for every human on the planet who wishes to understand exactly how we are being played https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

PPS. Two more pieces of the puzzle (which i didn’t mention above) that the billionaire ruling class put together to get everything ready for the attack in 2025, is that they had the leaders in the countries surrounding china replaced, from those not committed to china-hostility and the planned attack, into puppets who do exactly as the empire tells them, ramp up anti-china hostility and open their country to american military bases in preparation for the attack.

Two examples of this are in Japan and the philippines. In Japan they assasinated prime minister Abe, who refused to commit to their attack plans on china, and replaced him with their ultra-nationalist puppet, Kishida, who changed japan’s constitution to allow for greater militarization of society, removed constitutional limits on military spending, filled his cabinet with pro-american pro-zionist NeoCons, and approved massive american military build up in Japan's southern okinawan islands (literally minutes of flight/missle distance from the chinese mainland), in preparation for the attack. And in the philippines, where they replaced Duerte (who was against the war plans on china and sought greater cooperation) with their well-paid puppet Marcos, who gave the american war machine the northen Luzon island (the closest philipino island to china) to build several military bases in preparation for the attack, and who drastically changed course from Duerte and immediately started promoting china hatred in the philippines, and constantly sends the philippines navy into idiotic skirmishes with chinese boats in the south china sea in order to promote nationalist hostility towards china in the philippines, in preparation for the attack. He and his pay-masters in the american ruling class are doing that becasue they are playing on the people the trick that ruling class oppressors always play on us. Again, this trick is described in detail in this profoundly important essay https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

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Very good I mostly agree. But I don't think it will ultimately work. I don't think they'll get their war. But you never know.

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I hope you're right

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Do you disagree with the above substack article. I’m reasonably convinced after seeing online articles by the journalistic media https://www.newsweek.com/gavin-newsom-chances-beating-donald-trump-1918700

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Yes I disagree with it. If the media and the elites are not following the 'woke reversal' plan I described, but instead have a different plan of replacing biden and still supporting a democrat (Newsom), then many things dont make sense.

1. Its a desperate, risky plan

2. All the anti-China, anti-Russia buildup would be pointless, because Newsom cant motivate people to fight (remember there are huge shortages and a lack of will to fight)

3. They wouldn't need to praise Trump (calling him disciplined) or embarrass Biden so badly. They could just quietly have him step down.

4. I dont think Biden has to forfeit, and I dont think he will. He's too greedy and arrogant and he has worked his whole life for this.

We know they hate China and Russia and we know they are worried. We also know they are aware of military shortages. We also knowYes I disagree with it. If the media and the elites are not following the 'woke reversal' plan I described, but instead have a different plan of replacing biden and still supporting a democrat (Newsom), then many things dont make sense.

1. Its a desperate, risky plan

2. All the anti-China, anti-Russia buildup would be pointless, because Newsom cant motivate people to fight (remember there are huge shortages and a lack of will to fight)

3. They wouldn't need to praise Trump (calling him disciplined) or embarrass Biden so badly. They could just quietly have him step down.

4. I dont think Biden has to forfeit, and I dont think he will. He's too greedy and arrogant and he has worked his whole life for this.

We know they hate China and Russia and we know they are worried. Unz says Covid was a botched biowarfare attack on China and I agree. We also know they are aware of military shortages. They have even discussed how a draft would go in America in the

Military Times. We also

know there have been a bunch of victories on the right, seemingly out of nowhere. Assange goes free. Macron calls a super

early election just so he can

get crushed..? White men

start appearing in ads

suddenly. Twitter becomes conservative. CNN is suddenly fair. Its not genuine. Maybe some but not all. In England they want Sunak replaced by Starmer, but are worried about Farage taking advantage of the opening.

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It's great to see you start your new YouTube channel -- especially with the insights on how the regional and potential future global war is connected; that they are trying to push. I also appreciate you sharing the rare good news that Australia is being cautious about what the rules-based order alliance wants.

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Thank you mate I appreciate that. Ive never really touched geopolitics before so ive had to do some catching up but now that i understand how our society really works i think ive got a good base to go off.

Yes hopefully Australia stays out but im not sure, it might come down to which prime minister is in office. I think ill make a vid about the chances of Australia and Japan (and America) really involving themselves

in a conflict. Hope you are well cheers.

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All good mate! Another aspect I'd like to see in your future videos is your opinion on "controlled opposition" conservative movements we're seeing pop-up globally; versus genuine convervative movements, as woke noise declines.

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As the numerous examples in the brilliant essay in the link illustrate, the ruling class's goal in fighting a bogeyman enemy is primarily to be AT war against it, not to WIN the war against it. This is why U.S. war-making often seems inept or irrational to those who think the purpose of U.S. political leaders is to WIN the war, and who don't understand that no, the purpose is to be AT war. And the essay explains exsctly why they need to be at war and has a section specifically on yhe coming war on china https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

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I disagree. The primary reason America went to war in Iraq was for Israeli interests, the primary reason they went to Vietnam was for drugs in the Golden Triangle, and the primary reason they fought in WWII was for the Jews. The reason they want to fight China and perhaps Russia is because they those two countries are threatening US global hegemony.

I agree that the MIC likes making profit, but there seems to be better reasons for all the wars.

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I hear you and understand. I still suggest reading the essay in that was linked above https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies It does NOT say thst the reasons for the wars is the MIC wants to make profits, but it actually poibts out something else.

Regarding the claim that many of the wars are done for israel, i don't dispute that, however here's a take on this that you might find interesting, it is about where does the enormous power that israel seems to have over us policy actually comes from (also mentions specifically the iraq war that you mentioned) https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-israel-lobbys-power-comes-from?

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